
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Starting a blog…not that easy

In Uncategorized on April 12, 2011 at 4:18 pm

To be honest, I thought blogging was going to be easy. I mean really, what’s so hard about writing every couple of days about something you love? Truth is, it’s hard. Between work, agility classes, and helping my boyfriend study for the Bar exam so that he can become a lawyer, blogging fell to the bottom of my things to do. Poor Ripley, he was so excited about it too.

So now that things have eased up a bit, I will attempt to pick up blogging again, and provide you all with some updated information, especially the 5 of you who make it here every day (I see you!). If you’re one of those 5 people, I’m sorry! I will make it up to you, I promise.

So what exactly is the Ripley Report?

In Uncategorized on August 19, 2010 at 3:42 am

If could say one thing was true in life, it would be that dogs are wholeheartedly our best friends. Now I’m not here to be sentimental, but I want to make sure that my best friend, and all of yours, are happy, healthy and having fun with YOU. The Ripley Report is your new go-to guide for all things dog related. Here you will find the latest in dog related toys, food, treats, travel, accessories, health, and anything else you have a special request for.

So, since this is my first venture into the blogging world, and since I’m into market research, I’m going to start this off with an audience poll.